Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Printing in 3D!

It has been forever since I have found time to post.  And yes, I know that I still have a winter theme but it has seemed like winter in NC.  School has been extremely busy.  It seems like I have been living at school most days.  Hopefully this changes soon.  My goal is to start posting twice a week.

This week, our MakerBot 3D printer arrived!  I was able to receive this fabulous item from a grant on DonorsChoose.  To check out some of the grants that I have posted and funded on DonorsChoose, feel free to visit my teacher page:  They are even having a Friends and Family Contest going on right now, for every $20 donation that a teacher receives, they will get a DonorsChoose gift card that they will be able to use to help their own classroom or others.  I will have to do a post someday on DonorsChoose.

It took several hours for me to get our printer functioning but we had fun yesterday printing our first objects in 3D!  I was surprised to find out that our MakerBot Replicator 2 does not have to be hooked up to a computer.  It has an SD card with some preloaded graphics.  So far we have made a chain and a shark.  Sadly the shark broke when I was trying to get it off of the glass plate.  Now I know why the recommend putting down blue painters tape before you start your printing job.  It evens comes with a couple of the blue painters tape sheets, I have never seen such a thing before but I will be ordering more off of Amazon soon.

We are going to be using our 3D printer in the upcoming months while we are completing our habitat unit.  All of first grader is going to be learning about one of the following six habitats (the rain forest, the ocean, the wetlands, the arctic, the savanna, or the woodlands).  Our students will be completing a book about their favorite animal from their habitat.  This is going to be a lot of work and I will make time to share our journey with all of you.

It is Wednesday, that is normally a good thing but this week we have to go to school on Saturday to make up a snow day.


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